Review: Teebs – Annica
Words by Keegan Fepulea’i
In what seems to be a recent flurry of releases from Brainfeeder, they’ve called upon one of their older contributors, Teebs to add to their archives. His contributions to the label stretch back nigh on a decade and have been standouts for many of the die-hard Brainfeeder fans. Myself included.
The album draws its name from one of the three marks of existence in Buddhism. Annica, impermanence, the absence of abiding self, is in everything and to understand this, is to drive yourself to betterment and enlightenment. Teebs plays with the idea of this teaching constantly throughout the record with such a deft touch. You can also see this concept at play with the album artwork. Originally a sketch of his mother and wife, it was then converted to an enamel pin and once again digitally enhance to become the cover. Annica, at play.
After 5 years away from music this has been, true to form, an excellent addition to his varied musings.
Support Teebs & Brainfeeder by purchasing Annica from Bandcamp, or your favourite record store.